
Facebook Graph API

2017年3月9日 — It is possible to get public information of any facebook page by using its graph api. Process : Step 1 : Login to your facebook account.


Experience factual storytelling, news and adventure from around the world with the Fetch Knowledge Pack. Enjoy 19 channels for just $6 per month, including ...

Fetch Email From Public Pages of Facebook

if we have a Facebook Page Url and that page is Public for everyone and we want to access the Email from that Page Url How can we do that?

Fetch Own Feed From Facebook API

2018年5月15日 — What I want to do is fetch my own personal Facebook feed posts (my posts) and display them on a News section on my website. I want to use the ...

Fetch Published posts - 開發人員互助論壇

Can we use the app access token to fetch the published posts of a page using the endpoint https://graph.facebook.com/v7.0/page-id}/ /published_posts, ...


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How can I fetch FB posts from my FB page?

So I created Facebook app and I want fetch posts from my website. Previously I had Page Public Content Access permission and it worked.

How can I fetch FB posts from my FB page?

I tried to add existing FB Page to FB app but I couldn't add it. I could only create it. What can I do now? Am I missing something?


分享偵錯工具可讓你預覽內容分享到Facebook 後的呈現方式,以及偵測開放社交關係圖標籤的任何問題。 登入Facebook 即可使用此工具。


2017年3月9日—Itispossibletogetpublicinformationofanyfacebookpagebyusingitsgraphapi.Process:Step1:Logintoyourfacebookaccount.,Experiencefactualstorytelling,newsandadventurefromaroundtheworldwiththeFetchKnowledgePack.Enjoy19channelsforjust$6permonth,including ...,ifwehaveaFacebookPageUrlandthatpageisPublicforeveryoneandwewanttoaccesstheEmailfromthatPageUrlHowcanwedothat?,2018年5月15日—WhatIwantt...


